interior painters MelbourneWith the arrival of our first grandson just around the corner we are extremely excited. We have been helping our daughter and son-in-law prepare as well as doing some preparations ourselves. We are going to have him stay with us one night a week to help out for the first few months. So we are redecorating one of the guest rooms into a beautiful baby’s nursery. Of course, it has to be space themed. That way, even if we get thrown a curve-ball and it’s a girl, it will still be fitting! I have had ongoing consultations with an excellent interior painter based in Melbourne. They understand exactly what I am going for and have painstakingly gone through all the colours and designs with me step by step. The baby is due in two weeks and the painting is all set to be completed in ten days. It is going to be an astronaut floating through space with the stars and solar system surrounding him. I wanted to have a little baby floating up there but that was denied by mum and dad to be. I have already been stopped from buying a jungle gym and a baby jeep. I had to fight pretty hard to get the astronaut painting through but I said if I just get to do one thing then it’s this. They said I can do the baby jeep for the first birthday and the jungle gym when he starts walking! My wife has never seen me so involved with housework, she says I missed a trick when I became an astronaut I should have just become an interior house painter in Melbourne and saved her the stress of the space missions. I said I am considering it for a retirement plan along with opening my own day care centre.